Saturday, March 6, 2010

My first rant

In order to properly christen the blog and to show the diversity of subjects being addressed.
I am assuming that most of the people who read this blog are somewhat familiar with the ideas associated with the Christian faith. Whether or not they have any bearing on your heart, mind, soul, or will is a different question.
At any rate I have been spending a bit of time listening to a lecture seris by Kim Riddelbarger ( on the life and apologetic method of Francis A. Schaeffer.
Schaeffer's life was known for his strict adherence to answering the questions of the modern man (modern being the last half of the twentieth century), with a depth of severity and compassion that was truly commendable. He was also known for his syncretism of apologetical methodolgies. If you are wondering what I'm talking about, apologetics is the study/presentation of reasons for belief in a particular subject. Schaeffer found himself in between two of the major Calvinistic apologetical camps of the twentieth century. On the one hand he found himself agreeing with the tenants and views of the "Old Princeton" school. On the other hand he finds himself with their predecessors, the presuppositionalists. I guarantee a basic reading about the two schools of thought will be highly influential on any of you who decide to undertake it.
I highly recommend a glimpse into the lives and thought of it's two greatest proponents.
B.B. Warfield-Old Princeton

Cornelius Van Til-Presuppositional

I found it to be a fascinating glimpse into the world of two extremely influential and brilliant men with extremely different views.
Feel free to share your thoughts about these three great men

Blog is back

I've had this blog since 2007. In that time I've written approximately three blogs and erased all of them. But, since we are having a baby and we figured there may be a few people out there who are actually interested in seeing and hearing about our family (people like to hear about babies, not the rants of an introspective single guy) I've decided to bring the blog out of it's cyber garage. So with great honor we are unveiling the new blog with the hopes that it will keep you up to date with our lives.